…and not much wiser…maybe just more worldly. Ok, bad pun I admit it, but hey I have to use my corny English jokes on people that understand them right?
Well as I said, I am another year older. September 22nd came around pretty quickly this year. It really doesn’t feel as if a whole year has passed since this time last year. I guess between applying for JET, interviewing, getting accepted, prepping for leaving, and actually taking off and starting work, the time has just flown. Throw all the other great things that I had in
So this is the first year with out many of the things that have made birthdays what they were for the last few years. Not having my friends and family around, and not just being able to go somewhere I know for a party, has definitely been strange. I don’t know if it was as difficult as I though it might be, but it still wasn’t easy. I have friends here and we did go out (to the few places we know) but it definitely wasn’t the same as birthdays have been before. So here is a recap of how my birthday unfolded.
Wednesday night, the eve of my day of birth, 5 of the teachers at my school took me out for dinner. It was a double header to welcome me and to celebrate my birthday. We went to Burera, a pasta and pizza joint here in town. It was killer food, weird pizza and weirder pasta. The most out there was squid pasta, in a squid ink sauce. That’s right, squid ink sauce. It was jet black, and tasted great. The down side of squid ink is that it stains things…like your insides, and everything in there too. The dinner was great, and the teachers were hilarious. Only 2 of the 5 were English teachers, but with help of those two, my limited Japanese, and the others limited English, we totally hammed it up and had some great conversations. I was the youngest there, but only by a year, and I found out that I am not even the youngest teacher at the school! After dinner, to my surprise a round of cake showed up. This was some killer cake, but perhaps the sweetest part about it was the fact that they got candles. We all put a candle on our cake and we all celebrated each others birthdays.
Thursday rolled around, and low and behold it was my birthday. The day started off a little rocky, but proceeded to get better and better by the hour. When I first go to school I was in a low mood, but many of the teachers wished me a happy birthday, then I taught 3 of the best classes of the year. Admittedly, one of them was all games, but it culminated in the students teaching me some slang and more modern Japanese. After that I had the rest of the day to kick around the school. I started a project that I have been planning for a while: Adam Bucks. This is a way to give rewards every game, but not give out all my prizes to quickly. “Adam Bucks” can be cashed in for prizes when the certain amount has been reached; different prizes will have different values.
After school, I headed home. I swung by the post office to pick up a package that I missed the delivery on the day prior. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was a package from Liz. I flew home and sat for all of 30 seconds before I started opening it. I would say before I ripped into it, but for those of you who know me well enough to see me open gifts, you’ll know how my meticulous anal Virgo comes out in full bloom when I unwrap gifts. I won’t go into details of the contents, but I was really pleased. The one thing I will mention is the coffee. It definitely rocks that I now have a JJ Bean stash at my house! After that I was sending some email, when I got an e-card from my mom. I replied to it and mentioned that her package hadn’t come yet…we both had assumed this would be the case, but we were holding out hope. The hilarity of the situation is that with in 2 min of sending that email, the post man arrived at my door. Low and behold what did he have, my birthday package from my mom. The irony of the situation left me laughing for hours.
At around
Friday morning rolled around, and Brandon and I decided to hit the beach. We drove out to
We hosted a party out at Riches super huge house. It’s a little in the sticks, but large enough to allow for many people. We got there, set up the place, and then waited. People started showing and the party started rocking. It went late in to the night, and we all had a blast.
Then it was Sunday, time for some R&R. Well kinda. I took a trip into
The other part of my trip to
Well that is a recap of the days surrounding my first birthday overseas. It was memorable, and eventful. I was sad to not have all my regular peeps around, but it was still a great time. Thanks to all who sent me birthday wishes, it definitely made it a little less hard.