The Above two shots are from the Suwa Fireworks festival in August

These are students of class 2-1, where I ate lunch for a few weeks. I nicknamed the one getting locked up "meat-ball"

These are some 3rd year students. The guy second from the left has a broken arm (see the blue cast?). He is the local high jump champ, but busted his arm doing pole vault.

Second year students pulling 'weeds' from the field. Really anything that resembles a weed, including grass gets pulled.

Joetsu beach, our not so local surfing spot.

My attempt at an artistic shot of a spiral staircase in Nagano City.

Takaoka Elementary school and its Garden. This is one of the elementary schools I visit.

Nakano sunset. 'nuf said?

The entirety of Kousha JHS. Notice the girls on the left in sailor uniforms.
Breaking the news - the blog way
It's been said that history is gossip, and there was plenty of both surrounding a recent murder on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Hello, I was surfing and found you. Perhaps you are interested in better health? If so, go to Fruta Vida Acai related site. You are so close to some interesting benefits. Thank you.
Hey Mark!
Yeah, ads! How annoying! The strange surface is some sort of large concrete lego blocks. I believe that they are there incase there are large waves and storms to keep the shore elevated and from washing away. There isnt a lot of 'shore' betweent the waves and those blocks in most places. They provide great places to set up a tent and to have fire pits as well!
I've caught up with the whole blog now and I'm not surprised to read that you are doing well there and finding the good stuff. OR so you would have us believe!
Hi Adam!
Great pictures! I look forward to reading more of your updates! Hope you are enjoying living out there!
Take care,
Katrina :)
It's not that I am just finding the good stuff, its just that's what makes it to press. Besides, cleaning my house and killing the daily barrage of bugs that make it into my house just doesn't make as good a story as surfing!
Thanks for checkin my site! make sure to pass the word around to the other Richmond ppl! Thanks!
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