Well I can finally update my website again. It's been a while, but I left everyone with a good read didn't I? There is a reason for why I haven't been able to update sooner. You see, my luck in the first half of this month has been absolutely awful. Let's recap:
March 1st:
My car won't start. I take it to the mechanic. The starter motor is fired. About $400 for a new starter motor. Mechanic says that the model of my car is a "torabaru oii kuruma" or lotsa trouble car...read lemon. But hey, $400 later it starts and runs, and feels better than ever.
March 4th:
Got up close and personal with a tree. If you want more info on this read my previous post.
March 6th:
Appointment with Orthopedics. They do a bunch more x-rays (read more $$ out of pocket for now, insurance will pay be back, but not for a bit). The doc drains 3 vials of blood off my knee, and says she thinks I tore some ligaments. Schedule an MRI, and get a cast all the way up to my thigh.
March 11th:
Sleeping in since I can't go snowboarding. Get a call from my firend Rich. Since my newly fixed car is manual, I can't drive it with my cast. Rich, Joyce, and I did a 3 way car trade. Rich has my car. He asks what the problem was last week, and if it had something to do with the clutch or gears. I tell him that no it was the starter motor, and that it just wouldn't start. He says "Oh, cause something else is wrong now." The gears are slipping when he takes his foot of the clutch. He take it into a mechaninc, and speaking almsot no Japanese gets the point that whatever it is requires the whole engine taken out to fix. The estimate is about $1200. I say screw it, my mechanic told me the resale value of my car, and with the $400 before and $1200 now, I really should just buy a new car. Rich brings the car to my house and takes Joyce's car. Now I am completely stranded at my house.
March 12th:
Computer starts to go. It's acting like it has either a virus or some software is not agreeing with other system operations. Try as I might, windows is slow and sluggish...if it does what I want it to do at all. Between the second breakdown of my car and this, I don't know what to do...but thankfully I still had a working TV and hockey games on tape (Liz you are a lifesaver...or at least sanity)
March 14th:
MRI. It went really well. I zoned out and relaxed. It only took around 20 to 30 min. The best part, since it was my knee they were scanning I didn't have to put my head into that tiny little tube.
March 15th: -The Ides of March-
Results. What a day to recieve results. I was half laughing and half frightened about the date of my meeting with the doc, but hey that's just bad luck for Ceaser, right? Well not fully. I got the MRI results, and it looks like I have a torn ACL and MCL, and there is a good chance I tore something in my Ankle. The doc isn't willing to say surgery is needed, but it is definately an option. She feels that if I want to do the high strain sports I enjoy that surgery is probably the best route...but she wants to wait and see.
That was the first half of the month...let's take a little peek at what the second half has held so far...
March 18th:
First day of spring break. Formerly known as two weeks of solid snowboarding, now known as two weeks of trying to figure out what to do with myself. That being said, my new Playstation 2 is keeping me entertained for a fair ammount of time.
March 20th:
Finally decide to screw the computer that is still giving me a hard time. Full format and reinstall. Trash it all, and start fresh. Luckily I was able to back up all my important files before this point. Now my computer works beautifully again. Maybe my luck is improving...
March 22nd:
Meeting with the Doc. Getting the front half of my cast cut off. I will be able to remove this half cast and then I can take a shower...yay, sponge baths are very cold. The cast frees my ankle too, and I am supposed to start some rehab on that. I am to have this cast till the 5th of April, but that's the first day of school. I ask the doc if we can re-schedule. She says how about next week. So there we go, I get my cast off fully a week early. I still cant walk on my leg and I have to wear my knee brace all the time, but I can deal with that.
And that brings us to today. I can finally respond to emails on a regular basis, and I can update my website. Thanks to everyone who has commented recently on my site, and to those who have sent me emails. It's really nice to have some contact with home, and it helps pass the time while all my friends are up snowboarding. I will try to respond more regularly now that my computer isn't on the fritz. Drop me a line!
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Hi Adam:
It's funny reading Thursday on your blog when it's still only Wednesday here.....
Jeez, I hope you don't add our visit to the "bad" side of your month....
Getting really excited now-will see you soon.
Love you. Mum
Hi there nephew
You're right-the month of March has not been good to you!!! Cheer up- you have special visitors arriving soon. Went to Mexico for March break and it was great. Weather, resort, food, beach all excellent. Lay around in the sun, played in the incredibly warm ocean and just thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!!! Even Laura!!! Hope April is better to you kiddo. Have fun with your Mum and Jodi.
Love Auntie Sue
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